Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Welcome to SEMESTER I Door... :}

Finally... aku udah ambil rapor ;
hasilnya yah....
enough to make myself proud
I'm so happy right now,and
I hope this happiness won't be dissappear too fast
Thanks to my family, my friends, Jesus Christ and Mother Maria, and ..
this blog too.....

Sabtu, 03 Oktober 2009

Great Depression

Apakah nilai ul Anda selalu tuntas n hasilnya memuaskan??
jika ya that's good..
it means you are a lucky person,aku jg kenal beberapa org yg selalu beruntung setiap hari,
terutama dlm ul,nilainya selalu tuntas n selalu 90 ke atassssss..!!
bukankah menyenangkan menjd org seperti itu?
Tentu saja,bahkan aku sendiri ingin tukar posisi dgn mereka
minimal ingin coba pake otak mereka sehari...
Yg pasti I am the most stupid person in the world and noone in this world needs me..
Apakah kalian setuju?

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

What must i do?

Bentar lg tgl 10 Oktober n aku akan ambil rapor
Nilai2 aku turun semua...
Rata2 jelek n selalu di bawah org lain
I can't say anything again..
'cause they are really very clever,smart,n full of brain skill...
so ... aku tinggal terima nasib aja..
moga2 something bad will not happen to me....
Praise me Lord..